The depths of the world and chthonic magic: clay, hearth and blood
Abstract: The four primordial elements and the constellations of images they set in motion lead to the transfiguration of reality and trace part of the fundamental coordinates of the Blagian poetic imaginary. In Bachelard’s vision, a poetic universe is a syntax of stylistic figures and poetic images that give rise to a diagram. The diagram includes all the occurrences and indicates the meaning, as well as the symmetry or asymmetry of the poetic images. Chthonic magic derives from the following relationship, which is based on what we could call the poetics of latency in the Blagian lyric: the celestial is reflected in the chthonic, which is spiritualized hence the magical charge. The poet, through the spiritual force of the word, restores the magical connection with Geea, having access to the chthonic mystery reflected in the individual self understood as a microcosm.
Keywords: Lucian Blaga’s poetry, chthonic magic, Clay, hearth and blood
About the Author:
Institutul de Filologie „Bogdan Petriceicu-Hasdeu” al USM
E-mail: nina.corcinschi[@]
Abstract: The article proposes a hermeneutic approach to the poetic creation of Leo Bordeianu, a Bessarabian writer of the eighties generation, who stands out from his congeners not only by the discretion of his presence in the Chișinau literary environment, but also by his artistic formula devoid of passionate accents and mannerist exaltations, but not of ontological truth, of depth. Leo Bordeianu creates a contemplative poetry of the eye attracted by the chromatic dynamics of the natural landscape, an interrogative poetry that revolves around issues of ecological, social, ethnic and national order, a religious poetry, of the search for God and self-discovery, and a subtle erotic poetry that metaphorises the eternal feminine. The article carries out an analysis and interpretation of the author’s exponential poetic texts, selected from various volumes published since the year of his literary debut.
Keywords: lyrical expression, landscape, Eros, faith, Divinity, patriotism