Romanian metaliterature from the Cernăuți region: critical synthesis
About the Author:
Institutul de Filologie „Bogdan Petriceicu-Hasdeu” al USM
E-mail: dumitru.apetri[@]
Abstract: The article presents a critical synthesis of four literary metaliterary volumes published over the past 25 years. These works offer a comprehensive overview of the cultural, literary, and (to a limited extent) publicistic processes unfolding in the alienated Romanian spaces. The first volume belongs to the undersigned (Apetri, 2000), the following ones are signed by the personalities Ștefan Hostiuc (Hostiuc, 2005), Dragoș Olaru (Olaru, 2020) and Ștefan Broască (Broască, 2022). The first volume addresses the cultural and literary movement that occurred in Bucovina and the Herța region between 1775 and 1918, some literary achievements of the last two centuries, three cardinal Eminencian themes and some major social, cultural and literary events in the Romanian territories situated to the east of the Carpathian Mountains, which transpired during the 1990s. The next volume is presents a comprehensive survey of the artistic creation of the Chernivtsi region. It provides an in-depth look at the poetry of the compatriots, a profound aesthetic reflection and an analysis of the distinctive creative traits exhibited by its poets across generations. The study stands out for the density and accuracy of its assessments. The book Messages from the past (Mesaje din trecut) presents Eminescu within the context of a vast cultural environment from Chernivtsi. It provides significant information about a number of Romanian and foreign writers and cultural figures who were active in the north of Bucovina during the nineteenth century and a little later. In addition, it offers insights into the history of various cultural and social institutions, as well as the life of the land of Herța. St. Broască identified the main parameters that shaped the literary creation of specific Romanian writers by analysing the characteristics of two or three representative works by each author. This was followed by the delineation of their creative profile, accompanied by an evaluation of the comprehensive compendium Pages of Romanian literature (Pagini de literatură română) (Bostan, 2000), the emblematic anthology Poets from Bucovina (Poeți din Bucovina) (Rachieru, 1996) and the volume Messages from the past… (Mesaje din trecut…) (Olaru, 2020), which contain valuable meta-literary information about the anthologized artistic material.
Keywords: metaliterature, critical synthesis, aesthetic conception, cultural-literaryprocess, creative specificity, overall vision